Over the years, IGT has developed several test methods with the focus on printability. Multi-purpose printability tester series are an important aid in the printing industry ensuring the consistency of the quality of substrate and ink through a specific printing technique and testing any changes in its composition. IGT printability testers are used by manufacturers, research institutes and processing companies for entry control at their production units.
Printability testers

IGT Amsterdam Multipurpose Printability Tester
The IGT Amsterdam printability testers feature a high level of automation. Each action is performed by an internal computer, that controls all components: the correct positioning of the printing disc, the moment of applying pressure of each individual printing shaft, the exact force of the printing disc on the sector, the start of the print, the printing with constant or increasing speed according to a specific speed profile and the activation of the camera that makes a high-resolution scan for the analysis. These settings have been pre-programmed per test method and cannot be altered by the user. Of course, test methods for which options in settings, like (end)speed, are necessary, the possibility to change these settings are given to the operator. Because of this, the IGT Amsterdam is a very user-friendly instrument, which guarantees a uniform way of execution for each specific test method. The operator is prompted to perform certain actions and at the end of each test the results are presented on the display.

IGT LintView 4k
LintView 4k is an innovative and practical method of measuring the loose or weakly bound particles present on the surface of papers, right after production or after further processing. It helps to correlate the amount of particles present on the surface of the paper, to the origin and the different stadia in the production process, such as the dosing of chemicals and the condition of creping blades and cutting knives, especially for tissue papers. LintView 4k is a further development of the proven LintView technology, already used by various paper manufacturers all around the world.
Inking units
The IGT High Speed Inking Unit 4 has been developed for use with all IGT printability testers to ink printing discs fast and with the highest accuracy with a well-defined ink layer thickness. Many modern inks dry fast, therefore the IGT High Speed Inking Unit 4 has short inking times. It has a built-in thermostatic bath, to achieve a constant temperature for the distribution of inks and pick test oils, to get a constant viscosity of pick test oil and a constant drying behavior of inks. On the built-in computer all parameters or distribution modes with customer settings can be stored.

Interested in knowing more about IGT Testing Systems Solutions? We will help you to make good choices that meet your production needs.
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